CT Sussex is an established local charity, which for 18 years has been providing community transport for local residents who, for a range of different reasons (including living in a rural location and/or the lack of a regular bus service), are unable to access mainstream transport.
From 2020, in partnership with Bluebird Dial-a-Ride, they will be operating in the Worthing/Adur area. Five buses are located in Worthing, ready to take on new members from Worthing and surrounding areas.
Registration is easy, via a 5-minute telephone call; there is no charge, to register, although donations are always welcome.
Once you are registered, the Dial-a-Ride service can pick you up and return you to your own home, for a nominal costs. There is wheelchair access, and help from the drivers if needed; the drivers are qualified and trained in all aspects of providing community transport to vulnerable passengers.
Members use its buses for shopping trips, medical and hospital appointments, outings and visiting friends; the buses are also available for group hire for community groups and charities.
To register, call 01903 530053.
More information at