Affiliations, benefits and free stuff
We are an affiliated society of the Royal Horticultural Society, which gives us one free group visit per year. We also receive a copy of 'The Garden' every month, which you are welcome to borrow.
Members' benefits
If you are not already a member of the Royal Horticultural Society, you can get personal membership at a discounted rate (and the Society will also receive a small contribution to funds from every member who joins).
Membership entitles you to free gardening advice from the RHS; unlimited free days out at 80 RHS gardens; your own copy of 'The Garden' magazine every month; and a voucher to spend at any RHS shop/plant centre.
Ask the Chairman for an application form.
Puckamuck ( give a discount to our members - just tell them you are a member when ordering!
Organic Llama Beans (arguably the world's most perfect fertilizer!) are available from Charlotte Edwards, West Cottage, Myrtlegrove, Patching, tel 07732 036922. A one-gallon sack costs just £5.
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